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Matsumoto Yushi-Seiyaku Co., Ltd, while taking into serious consideration the importance of private information protection in an advanced information communication society and the laws which aim at private information protection, shall, and in accordance with the following policy guidelines, pursue the protection of private information.
- Our company, while strictly observing the laws which aim at the protection of private information, shall, according to such private information protection laws, enact company internal rules and make them internally known and strictly observed, thus adequately ensuring the dedicated pursuit and realization of private information protection.
- Our company shall, after stating in full clarity the objective of use, legally and in a fair manner acquire private information.
- Our company shall not, without consent of the concerned party and except when authorised by law, use private information beyond the scope permitted.
- Our company shall not, without consent of the concerned party and except when authorised by law, disclose private information to any third party.
- Our company shall take proper security and safety measures so as to prevent leakage, loss of or damage to private information.